Solid Know-How™
Article #58 Can a Pick List be Reprinted?
Answer: Once a customer order has been included on a Pick List, as printed from Solid Business Central™, that order is flagged as being picked, and...
Article #53 Approved Product Lists (APL)
Approved Products List (APL) functionality has been added to Special Price Lists to allow only authorized product to be sold to assigned customers,...
Article #52 How to Never Sell Items Below the Low Gross Price?
Answer: The Gross Margin and Low Gross for items in Solid Route Accounting™ – Enterprise Edition are controlled in Solid Business Central™ at the D...
Article #51 What Report Will Show the Taxes over a Time Period?
Answer: Periodically, it may be required for businesses to report on what total taxes were charged to customers, and from suppliers, over the cours...
Article #46 How Can I Run an Accounts Receivable (AR) Report with Ageing?
Answer: Accurate and on time customer statements and accounts receivable reporting is crucial for any business to recuperate outstanding customer b...
Article #45 Can I Prevent a Salesperson from Selling Certain Items to Certain Customers?
Answer: Although not included as part of the standard Solid Route Accounting™ – Enterprise Edition business system, the optional Approved Product L...
Article #44 How can Inventory be Partially Written Off as Credits are Received?
Answer: Damaged and expired inventory returns from Solid Sales Pro™ will automatically be sent to that mobile cost center's damaged stock adjust to...
Article #41 How do I Reverse an Invoice in Solid Route Accounting?
Answer: Solid Route Accounting™ business systems are designed to be reliable and accurate. For this reason, although we don't allow invoices to be ...
Article #39 Where does the Returned Inventory go When the Mobiles Sync?
Answer: When considering inventory returns from Solid Sales Pro™, the 'Return Code' assigned to those returns is the main factor that determines wh...
Article #37 Stop Analysis Report
The Stop Analysis Report is one of the most important reports available to Solid Route Accounting companies. It allows supervisors to have a bird's...
Article #36 What is One of the Most Useful Inventory Sales Reports Available in Solid Business Central?
Answer: In many cases, when a client needs to print a sales report from Solid Business Central, the 'Sales 2 Report' is the solution. The Sales 2 R...
Article #33 Can Invoice Numbers in Solid Route Accounting be Lengthened/Shortened, or Remove the Letter and Period?
Answer: The transaction numbers used in Solid Route Accounting™ have been thoughtfully designed to at a glance relate important information about t...