Solid Know-How™
Article #85 How to Delete an Inventory Item in Solid Business Central?
Answer: Keeping inventory records up to date and accurate in Solid Route Accounting™ business systems will increase productivity, reduce search tim...
Article #84 How to Count Inventory for a Mobile Cost Center?
Answer: Regular inventory counts are a great way to monitor inventory shrinkage within any cost center/warehouse. Counting inventory for mobile cos...
Article #83 How to Count Inventory for Any Cost Center by using a Delayed Count?
Answer: Because using a handheld computer is the fastest way to enter items onto any transaction, and also because fixed cost centers cannot have h...
Article #82 How to Create a New Mobile Record in Solid Business Central?
Answer: The mobile computers that route sales people use to create invoices while in the field are what really gives Solid Route Accounting™ busine...
Article #81 How to Print Employee Sales Commission Report?
Answer: Calculating how much commission each employee is to receive can be a tedious and time consuming task. However all that work is made easy wi...
Article #78 Can I Retrieve or Restore a Record that I Deleted by Mistake?
Answer: Usually, when a record is deleted within a business system, it should be considered to be gone forever. For this reason it's very important...
Article #77 What Customer Types are Available in Solid Route Accounting?
Answer: Although there are many needs that customers face, Solid Route Accounting™ business systems can meet those needs within their three main cu...
Article #76 How to Delete Customer Records?
Answer: Customer record in Solid Route Accounting™ business systems track every invoice, item return, and payment of every customer a business deal...
Article #75 How to Create and Post a Received On Account (ROA) Payment?
Answer: As credit invoices are made from both Solid Sales Pro™ and the main software component, the totals of those invoices will be reflected on t...
Article #73 Indexes Damaged… Have Other Users Shut Down, then Reindex!
Description: When entering an area of Solid Business Central™ that uses records, or when trying to print a report, a purple warning box appears wit...
Article #72 How to Create and Assign an Adjustment Cost Center?
Answer: Solid Route Accounting™ – Enterprise Edition uses Adjustment Cost Centers to track inventory quantities of items that are damaged and expir...
Article #68 Customer Statements - Interest Calculation
To calculate Interest on your Customer Statements requires that you first enter the A/R Interest calculation information in your Company Configurat...