Answer: As credit invoices are made from both Solid Sales Pro™ and the main software component, the totals of those invoices will be reflected on the customer's account balance. As customer statements are mailed out and payments are received, it is important to mark off the invoices that are being paid through Received On Account (ROA) transactions so they won't be included on any future statement prepares. This is further important so that the handheld computers have accurate balances for accepting payments while in the field.

ROAs in Solid Sales Pro™:

  1. Inside Solid Sales Pro™, ROA transactions can be made by navigating to [Create Transaction] to get to the '1110 Customer Lookup' screen.
  2. From this screen, find the desired customer record. Their outstanding balance can be verified on the next screen.
  3. Once the customer is selected, from the '1100 Create Transactionscreen, use [Change] button to change the 'Transaction Type' to Payment and set the 'Payment Method' to whichever method of payment is being used. Note that this 'Bill Type' of ROA will only be available if this mobile unit record has been enabled to create these types of transactions.
  4. By using [OK] to return to the 1100 screen, the [Received On Account] button can now be used to enter in the amount being paid, and then [Save] this transaction so the customer has a record of their payment.
    • Enterprise Edition users will need to have the ROAs created in Solid Sales Pro™ applied to the customer's balance by administration staff by way of the instructions below, once they've been synced back to the main software component.
    • All other versions of Solid Route Accounting have their ROAs applied immediately to the customer balances upon syncing the handheld computers.

Enterprise Edition Users:

  1. To create or apply ROA payments in Enterprise Edition, navigate in Solid Business Central™ to [Sales], and if a second menu level opens up select [Sales] once again, to arrive at the 'Sales' screen.

    1. To apply ROA payments received from Solid Sales Pro™ use the [F10 - Incoming Bills] option, which will show on the right side of the screen in between the two 'Total' fields if pending ROA transactions exist. By using the [F10 - Incoming Bills] key, a list of all ROAs from Solid Sales Pro™ will be listed, along with the transaction number, customer name and number, received total, and date that it was received.

      Highlight the ROA to process and use the [ENTER] key to select it, which will automatically load that customer's record, the amount that was paid, and allow the marking operation to begin.

    2. To manually create a new ROA transaction, start by selecting the customer whose payment was received. Set the 'Type' to 'R' for Received On Account, and the 'Pay' field to whichever payment method is being used. Use [CTRL+PGDOWN] to move down to the 'Add Items' area, where the field 'Give Amount Received' will be displayed, and the marking operation is ready to begin. Do not enter the payment amount directly into this field.
  2. To mark invoices as being paid, use [CTRL+HOME] to bring up a list of all unpaid transactions for this customer record. If this customer record is a head office, all branch office invoices that they're also responsible for will show here as well.
  3. To mark an invoice for the exact amount that's in the Remaining column, highlight that invoice and use the [SPACE BAR] to Pay or Un-pay invoices. If an invoice needs to be partially paid or over paid, use the [P] key on the keyboard to enter a specific amount. As invoices are being paid, the amount being marked for payment will show in the Mark column. Received On Account
  4. Of the fields along the bottom, '#Marked' shows the number of invoices marked for payment, 'Total Marked' indicates how much has been marked thus far, 'Account Balance' shows what this customer's original balance was with your business, and 'Remaining' shows what their account balance will be, minus the current 'Total Marked' amount.
  5. When all the needed invoices have been marked for payment of the correct amounts, use the [ENTER] key to return to the 'Give Amount Received' screen, where the amount that's been marked for payment should be present. Then use [CTRL+END] to save this ROA payment and apply it against that customer's account balance.
Solid business centralSolid sales pro

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