Answer: Calculating how much commission each employee is to receive can be a tedious and time consuming task. However all that work is made easy with Solid Route Accounting™ – Enterprise Edition. Printing Commission Reports from Solid Route Accounting™ is literally as easy as printing a customer statement, and because all information is assembled directly from the company's business system, you know it's accurate and clear. Employee Commissions is an optionally licensed feature, and for more information regarding this feature, including pricing, please contact a Solid Innovation Product Specialist who will be happy to further assist you.

If Employee Commission Groups, also known as Commission Programs, have not yet been set up within the business system, please follow the steps in Solid Know How™ Article #240 How to Set up Employee Commission Groups or Programs. For a sample of the Employee Commission Report, see the 'sales-commission.pdf' document in the Attachments section at the end of this article.

Once the Employee Commission Groups have been configured within Solid Route Accounting™ and sales have been made, printing an Employee Commission Report is very similar to printing a customer statement run:

  1. In Solid Business Central™ navigate to [Datafile / Employee / Commission]. At this location, there are four menu options used when producing an Employee Commission Report, intuitively laid out as:
    1. [Prepare] – Readies all transactions for reporting.
    2. [Adjust] – Allows administration to review and tweak the commission amounts as needed.
    3. [Report] – Prints out the Employee Commission Report.
    4. [Finish] – Concludes this Employee Commission Report run and marks all invoices included in this report as having been paid commissions on so they won't be included in a future Employee Commission Report.
  2. Select [Prepare] to begin. In the 'Commission Prepare Date' simply enter in the date up to which to include transactions for commission payment for. Once set, use [CTRL+END] to continue and return to the menu options.
    NOTE: If when entering this screen a message displays informing that a 'PREPARE has already been used', either use [Escape] to return to the menus so the existing prepare can be printed and finalized with [Finish], or to continue with this [Prepare] anyhow, then use [F10] to continue with creating a new prepare.
  3. [Adjust] can now be used to review the Employee Commission Report and make any changes if needed.
    1. [Commission All] – If any changes were made in error during the [Adjust] operation, select this option to return things back to how they were originally reported prior to adjustments. Sort of like a 'Reset' button.
    2. [Un-Commission All] – This is a quick way to clear all transactions that were marked with a Commission value.
    3. [Individual] – Allows all transactions set for Commission to be reviewed individually, and adjusted if needed. While viewing a transaction marked for commission, use the [F2 – Toggle Status] key to remove or allow it to be commissioned, or use [F3 – Modify Rates] to make a change to the commission amount and save those changes with [CTRL+END].
  4. Once done with any adjustments, [Escape] back to the [Commission] menu.
  5. Now that the Employee Commissions have been prepared and verified, the report is now ready to be printed. Simply select the [Report] menu option and choose whether to send it to a printer via the [Print] option, or save it electronically as a text document by using [Export].
    NOTE: Both [Print] and [Export] require that the Solid Visual Analyst™ reporting software is installed on the business system. For more information on how to install Solid Visual Analyst™, please read Solid Know How™ Article #190: Solid Visual Analyst Installation Instructions.
  6. Prior to 'Preparing' the next Employee Commission Report, use the [Finish] to mark all currently 'Prepared' transactions as having had their commissions paid, which will prevent them from being included in a future commission [Prepare].
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