Solid Visual Analyst™ is an excellent tool for customizing reports to give accurate and specific desired information using the data from the Solid Route Accounting™ business system already installed! Aside from the product's installation and specifying what parameters to report on, Solid Visual Analyst™ requires no additional data entry or information copying from the existing Solid Route Accounting™ business system. Simply specify what should be on the report, and a professional, detailed report will be made available for on-screen browsing, printing, or to be saved to a digital file format for emailing or archiving.

Solid Visual Analyst™ is a specially licensed feature that may require it to be added to the company's currently licensed abilities. For information on whether your company is licensed to use Solid Visual Analyst™, for further details on this product, or to inquire about adding this feature to your company's current abilities, please contact a Solid Product Specialist who'll be happy to assist you further. When ready, proceed with the following instruction to download and install Solid Visual Analyst™.

Backup Before you Begin!

It's sound business and computing practice to perform a FULL backup onto an external storage device, such as a USB memory stick, before beginning any installation or upgrade procedure.

  1. Exit from the Solid Route Accounting™ software components on all workstations.
  2. On the server PC, enter the main Solid Route Accounting™ software component and run through a full backup procedure.

Solid Visual Analyst™ Installation Instructions

  1. Please contact a Solid Product Specialist to obtain a download link for Solid Visual Analyst™ (46.2 MB)
    When prompted by the internet browser on what action should be taken, either select [Run] if available or choose [Save] and save it onto the computer in a location that's easy to find, such as the desktop. If [Save] was the option chosen, after the download completes, locate the 'SiVA-Installer.msi' program in the location saved to on this computer and double-click it to begin the installation wizard.
  2. On the 'Welcome' screen of the installer, choose [Next] to continue.
  3. If you agree to the licensing agreement, select the 'I Agree' radio button and choose [Next] to continue.
  4. The 'Installation Folder' location should the same as where the Solid Route Accounting™ business system has been installed, which is by default 'C:\Si\' on the server PC or the mapped network drive for a workstation installation. Choose [Next] when ready to continue.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click on [Close] to exit the installer. A new 'Si Visual Analyst' icon should now be available on the desktop and is also accessible by going to 'START / All Programs / Si Visual Analyst'.

When starting Solid Visual Analyst™, if asked for a User ID and Password, it's the same as entering the main Solid Route Accounting™ software component. Once Solid Visual Analyst™ has started, all the available reports can be viewed by selecting 'File / Open'.

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