Answer: Solid Route Accounting™ – Enterprise Edition uses Adjustment Cost Centers to track inventory quantities of items that are damaged and expired returns, and also all inventory differences when performing inventory counts. What makes this cost center unique among fixed and mobile type cost centers though is that the inventory held in an Adjustment Cost Center can be written off when the business is ready to do so. To better understand how Adjustment Cost Centers work, in Solid Business Central™, navigate to [Datafile / Cost Center / View].

Every cost center has three fields that are important in relation to the inventory it handles. 'Num' indicates the number of the cost center being viewed. All inventory cumulated in the 'Inventory Value' field shown is held in this cost center, and can be reviewed by using [F3 - Qntity]. The cost center number specified in the 'Adj_To' field is where any differences between expected and actual inventory quantities will go to when doing inventory counts. For example, if the system expects there to be 10 apples, but there are actually 8 counted, then the difference of 2 will be transferred to this 'Adj_To' cost center. Lastly, the 'DamagedStk Adj_to' cost center is where damaged and expired inventory accepted as returns from Solid Sales Pro will be transferred to for processing.

What sets Adjustment Cost Centers apart from regular mobile and fixed type cost centers is that all three of these fields, Num, Adj_To, and DamagedStk Adj_to, are all set to the same cost center number. Because of this, when finalizing an inventory count for this Adjustment Cost Center, Solid Business Central™ will notice that it adjust to itself, and that will alert the user to the fact that this will create an inventory write off of the inventory quantities being adjusted. By allowing the write off, these quantities will be removed from the Solid Route Accounting – Enterprise Edition system.

To create a new Adjustment Cost Center:

  1. In Solid Business Central, in [Datafile / Cost Center / View] use the [Insert] key to add a new cost center record. Give this new cost center a number, set the 'Type' to 'F-Fixed', and give this cost center a name. Leave the 'Adj_To' and 'DamagedStk Adj_to' fields at the default 998, and use [CTRL+END] to save this new record.
  2. Once saved, the new record will be displayed. Use the [F2 - Edit] key to make this record editable, and change the 'Adj_To' and 'DamagedStk Adj_to' fields to be the same number that’s in the 'Num' field. Use [CTRL+END] once again to save this change, and the Adjustment Cost Center is now created.

To Assign an Adjustment Cost Center:

  1. To assign an Adjustment Cost Center to a fixed or mobile cost center, in Solid Business Central navigate to [Datafile / Cost Center / View] and view the cost center record to assign it to, and use the [F2 - Edit] key to make changes to that record.
  2. Set in the 'Adj_To' field the cost center number that inventory differences from inventory counts should be adjusted to. Set in the 'DamagedStk Adj_to' field the cost center number that Damaged and Expired inventory returns should be sent to. Use [CTRL+END] to save any changes, and sync the handheld computer if working with a Mobile Cost Center for the change to take effect.
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