Answer: Periodically, it may be required for businesses to report on what total taxes were charged to customers, and from suppliers, over the course of a time period. The Bill Analysis and Order Analysis reports can deliver this information, and more, for any desired time period. Using these reports allows businesses to print out as much or as little detail as needed, which can be as sparse as a two line total, or as detailed as every item sold on every transaction. This versatility makes this report one of the most valuable reports available in Solid Business Central™.

Bill Analysis Report:

If the need is to report total taxes on sales transactions, the Bill Analysis report can be found in Solid Business Central™ at [Accounting / Report / Bill Analysis].

  1. After setting the workstation, cost center, and date range for this report, there will be various options available for reporting. If this report is only for invoices, set 'Include ALL bills or one type' to 'B-Bills'. If left at 0 (zero), then all sales transaction types will be included on the report.
  2. If only a two line report summary is needed, set all other options to 'N-No'. If a listing of all invoices created during the set time period is required as well, along with their individual totals, set 'Print Bill Info' to 'Y-Yes'.
  3. If really fine details including every inventory item on every transaction is needed as well, set 'Print Item Detail' to 'Y-Yes' also. This last option though will drastically lengthen the report since each inventory item on every invoice will print on its own line. Use [CTRL+END] when ready to print the report.

Order Analysis Report:

If the need is to report the total taxes of purchase transactions from suppliers, the Order Analysis report can deliver that information, and can be found in Solid Business Central™ at [Accounting / Report / Ordr Analysis].

  1. After setting the workstation, cost center, and date range for this report to cover, there will be various options available to print this report by. If this report is for only received purchase order transactions, set 'Include ALL orders or one type' to 'R-Received'. If left at 0 (zero), then all buying transaction types will be included on this report.
  2. If only a two line report summary is needed, set all other options to 'N-No'. If a listing of all transactions, along with their individual totals, for that time period is required as well, set 'Print Order Info' to 'Y-Yes'.
  3. If really fine details including every inventory item on every buying transaction is needed as well, set 'Print Item Detail' to 'Y-Yes' also. This last option though will drastically increase the report length since each inventory item on every transaction will print on its own line. Use [CTRL+END] when ready to print the report.
Solid business central

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