For detailed installation instructions, see the Setup Instructions page on Alternatively, consult the following Solid Know How™ articles:

  1. Article #297 Solid Route Accounting™ for QuickBooks® Installation Instructions
  2. Article #312 Solid Route Accounting™ and QuickBooks® Online Setup Instructions
  3. Article #317 Solid Route Accounting™ for Sage 100 Installation Instructions
  4. Article #332 Solid Route Accounting for SYSPRO Installation Instructions

Software Releases

For older releases, please see
Article #338 Release Notes for Solid Route Accounting - Version 3
Article #324 Release Notes for Solid Route Accounting - Version 2
Article #285 Release Notes for Solid Route Accounting.

As always, we would love your feedback on anything we can improve for you in the next update by contacting a Solid Product Specialist. If you love Solid Sales Pro™ enough to leave us a great review on the Apple App Store or Google Play, we’d love that too.

Release 4.3.5

Release: Jan 18, 2024

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Sales Rep Login: user login to Solid Sales Pro™ will assign transactions to a particular sales rep.
  2. Added the 1101 Order Selection screen for Delivery Confirmation with an improved layout.
  3. Mobile Stock Report: The Mobile On-Hand Stock Report shows the quantities on hand for the particular cost center this mobile represents.
  4. Mobile On-Order Stock Report: The mobile On-Order Report allows you to print a report of all open Orders on the mobile. Not only will this assist with restocking, but it will also provide valuable information as to which products are on order.
  5. Default Customer Discount: allows the company to set a default discount for customers in the ERP system. Solid Sales Pro™ will pre-populate this Discount field when creating a transaction. For more information, see Article #342 Default Customer Discount Feature
  6. Auto-Email Transaction feature
  7. Improved customer and item search results and sort order
  8. Numerous print template improvements and added the ability to append space for a customer stamp at the end of a transaction printout
  9. Ability to sort the items on a transaction printout
  10. For SYSPRO users, increase the PO Number length to 12 characters
  11. Improved the readability of long item descriptions on the 1131 Add Items screen for small-screen devices

Solid Fusion™

  1. Prevent the export of Orders to QuickBooks Pro.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where the original item price was incorrect when a customer had a price level.
  2. Fixed the issue where the item tax indicator is occasionally not set on a transaction printout.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue where occasionally transactions would export twice to QuickBooks.

Release 4.3.1

Release: Nov 20, 2023

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Implemented the transaction upload feature after saving a transaction for the Automatic Sync method.
  2. Improved the 1135 Item Details screen to show available quantities and the item cost, if enabled.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed various app crashes.
  2. Fixed the error when editing an open Order.

Release 4.2.19

Release: Oct 16, 2023

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improved the customer and item search functionality to display all items.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where the special price would not apply to an item under certain circumstances.

Release 4.2.18

Release: Sep 20, 2023

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Speed Improvements - mobile sync times are significantly improved.

Release 4.2.16

Release: Aug 30, 2023

New Features Added:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Made the mobile sync more robust.
  2. Improved the item search functionality.
  3. The Order confirmation email is now sent to the login email address.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. The issue where occasionally, Orders did not display any items on printouts.
  2. The issue where the [Submit] button was not always visible on the 1100 Create Order screen.

Release 4.2.13

Release: Jun 28, 2023

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Solid Sales Pro™ allows only positive quantities on transactions for specific ERP integrations.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Fixed the issue when adding more than 20 items to the APL; the previously saved records would be removed.
  2. Fixed the issue where you could not delete a mobile record.

Release 4.2.12

Release: Jun 20, 2023

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Scan Sheets: the ability to print barcodes on transactions.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Ability to override the price on the 1135 Item Details screen.
  2. Increased the printout font size to make it more readable.
  3. Numerous printing improvements.

Release 4.2.4

Release: Apr 3, 2023

New Features Added:

  1. Added the ability to view the Stock Depletion Report on with the mobile Cash-out Report.
  2. Added the ability to create two 50-character message lines specific to a mobile. This can be done on the Mobile - Edit screen in
  3. You can now optionally select whether to print the item lot number or not.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. We have rewritten Solid Sales Pro™ on a modern framework. While the underlying engine has been rewritten, the look and feel have been maintained. This is to ensure your staff will be familiar with it. The purpose of this is to ensure longevity for you.
  2. Improved the initial Solid Sales Pro™ setup operation for new mobile devices. For more details, please see Article #290 How to Install Solid Sales Pro.
  3. Revamped the mobile sync system to detect and correct incomplete record syncs, ensuring that Solid Sales Pro™ always has the latest records.
  4. For SYSPRO integration, we added validated lot number tracking.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improved the readability of bold text on printouts.

Release 4.0.12

Release: Nov 14, 2022

New Features Added:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Added a [Forgot Password] button on the login screen.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Fixed the issue where the special price would not apply to an item under certain circumstances.

Release 4.0.10

Release: Jul 4, 2022

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Solid Order Entry™ now supports multiple logins. Customers who have multiple accounts with a supplier or have accounts with various suppliers can seamlessly use Solid Order Entry™ to place their orders quickly.

Release 4.0.9

Release: Apr 8, 2022

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Improved Approved Product List (APL) handling.

Release 4.0.7

Release: Apr 4, 2022

New Features Added:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Introduced Approved Product Lists (APL) with an optional override if enabled.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Prevent the saving of zero quantity line items.
  2. Various user interface (UI) improvements.
  3. Improved user interface when dark mode is enabled on the device.
  4. Fixed some app crashes.

Release 4.0.6

Release: Dec 9, 2021

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Order Entry™

  1. Made the delivery date field mandatory.
  2. Fixed the date and time of a transaction.
  3. Darkened the font for better readability.
  4. Items are refreshed immediately after the filter is changed.
  5. Added the missing tax indicators on transactions.
Solid fusionSolid order entrySolid route accountingSolid sales pro

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