For detailed installation instructions, see the Setup Instructions page on Alternatively, consult the following Solid Know How™ articles:

  1. Article #297 Solid Route Accounting™ for QuickBooks® Installation Instructions
  2. Article #312 Solid Route Accounting™ and QuickBooks® Online Setup Instructions
  3. Article #317 Solid Route Accounting™ for Sage 100 Installation Instructions

Software Releases

For older releases, please see Article #285 Release Notes for Solid Route Accounting™.

Release 2.7.1

Release: Feb 08, 2021

New Features Added:

  1. Added the ability to view the QuickBooks Sales Order number on the Transaction List screen.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Improved the Solid Fusion™ sync times.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where occasionally the printout would not complete correctly and then repeat on the next transaction.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue where when changing the directory location, the backup folder would not adjust accordingly.
  2. Fixed the Solid Fusion™ error after deleting a part from Solid Business Central™.
  3. Fixed the issue where Orders and Credits would not export to QuickBooks when the encoded transaction number feature is enabled.
  4. Fixed the issue where sometimes a Solid Fusion™ sync session would not complete.

Release 2.6.3

Release: Dec 13, 2020

New Features Added:

  1. Update the menu system for easier navigation.
  2. Added the option to print the line item counts on a transaction.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Added the ability to encode transaction numbers so that they only contain numbers.
  2. On the 1220 Transaction View screen added the ability to sort the transaction line items by name, description, quantity descending or quantity ascending order.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where the penny rounding would not always give the correct result.

Release 2.4

Release: Oct 12, 2020

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Fixed the error when importing Sales Order from QuickBooks.
  2. Fixed the issue when no Inventory Site is set on Sales Orders; they would not export to QuickBooks.
  3. Fixed the issue where when changing the SKU in QuickBooks Online caused the Sync to fail.
  4. Fixed the issue where when an Invoice is cashed out after it was successfully exported to QuickBooks, the status would revert to "Not Exported".
  5. Fixed the error when exporting a transaction with a Discount line item.
  6. Allow Invoices to export to QuickBooks, even after the original Sales Order was deleted.
  7. Improved the QuickBooks Online new entity creation.
  8. Updated the Draft Invoice print template.
  9. Pruning of inactive MobileSync Records to improve mobile sync speeds.

Release 2.3.11

Release: Aug 5, 2020

New Features Added:

  1. Only display the "Send To Mobile:" field if the transaction is an Order.
  2. Improved logging when importing open Sales Order from QuickBooks.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Draft transactions no longer print zero quantity items.
  2. The sell quantity calculation has been improved on the 1160 Route Sheet screen and will only calculate if an OH Qty or a Return Qty value has been entered.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Fixed the issue when clicking on [Delete All] on the Route Sheet - Active Item screen would cause an exception.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue where the taxes were not correctly imported on Sales Orders generated in QuickBooks Canada.
  2. Fixed the issue where a subtotal line item would prevent a transaction from importing.
  3. Fixed an issue with exporting transaction tax settings in a muli-tax environment in Solid Business Central™.
  4. Fixed the issue that caused multiple tax records when using Delivery Confirmation and Solid Business Central™.

Release 2.3.08

Release: Jun 12, 2020

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Introduced support for Android Print to extend the number of support 8.5x11" printers on Android devices.

Release 2.3.02

Release: Mar 26, 2020

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. The 1110 Customer Lookup screen is now alphabetically sorted when filtered by "Customers with Orders".
  2. Added a [Skip] button to the 2100 Survey screen to allow users to skip a non-mandatory survey.
  3. Improved the 1160 Route Sheet screen layout for small screens.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Export the item lot number for the SYSPRO ERP system.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the 1160 Route Sheet screen issue where not all categories were displayed when the items are grouped by category.
  2. Fixed the issue where the Route Sheet seasonal multiplier would not be applied to all items on the 1160 Route Sheet screen.
  3. Fixed the issue where the build-to values would be reset to zero when returning to the 1160 Route Sheets screen after visiting the 1135 Item Details screen.

Release 2.2.99

Release: Feb 28, 2020

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Re-introduced the mobile wipe feature after the competition of the server migrations.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Fixed the tax calculation issue for Solid Business Central™ integration.

Release 2.2.96

Release: Jan 28, 2020

New Features Added:

  1. Introduced seasonal adjustments to the Route Sheets feature. For more information, please read the following Solid Know-How™ article: Article #322 Route Sheets with Sales History.
  2. Improved the Delivery Confirmation screen by adding search capabilities, column filters and eliminating the need to save the changes explicitly.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Support for Route Sheets with Seasonal Adjustments.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Fixed the transaction number search on the Transaction View screen.

Release 2.2.95

Release: Dec 06, 2019

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Seamless migration to the new hosting provider (Microsoft Azure).

Solid Fusion™

  1. Seamless migration to the new hosting provider (Microsoft Azure).

Release 2.2.94

Release: Dec 02, 2019

New Features Added:

  1. Improved the Route Sheet screen to display the item description and to allow you to make changes to the build-to values directly in the grid.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where Solid Survey would not be attached to a transaction when the auto emailing feature was enabled.

Release 2.2.92

Release: Oct 21, 2019

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fix iOS 13 printing issue where it would only print the first part of a transaction.
  2. Fixed the issue where the tax indicator was incorrect for non-taxable items.
  3. Mobile sync time improvements.

Release 2.2.89

Release: Sep 06, 2019

New Features Added:

  1. Introduced OAuth2 for the QuickBooks Online integration.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Fixed the issue where emailed transactions would be blank.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the 1160 Route Sheet screen issue where not all items were displayed when scrolling for more items.
  2. Fixed the issue where the sales quantity would not update when it was set to zero.

Release 2.2.87

Release: Jul 30, 2019

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Seamless migration to the new hosting provider (GCP).

Solid Fusion™

  1. Seamless migration to the new hosting provider (GCP).

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improvements when using the 1160 Route Sheets screen to create a transaction.

Release 2.2.81

Release: May 28, 2019

New Features Added:

  1. Improved the search functionality on the Transaction View screen.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improved the search functionality on the 1131 Add Items screen.
  2. Improved the ability to print multiple copies of a transaction from the 1220 Print Transaction screen.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Correctly importing open Orders already assigned to mobiles in Solid Business Central™.
  2. Improved the import of pricing records from SYSPRO.
  3. Added the ability to add a proxy server for Solid Fusion™ to use.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. The issue on the Return Warehouse screen, when return warehouses were reset to <Use Mobile Setting>.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. When logging out of Solid Sales Pro™, correctly return to the 0000 Main Menu after the sync.
  2. After creating a transaction and returning to the 1110 Customer Lookup screen, the last customer is displayed.
  3. Disabled the Android edit toolbar on the 1131 Add Items, 1160 Route Sheets, 2310 Add Items and 2410 Add Items screens.
  4. Fixed the quality calculation for Route Sheets with Build-to levels.
  5. Set the sell quantity to zero if the on-hand quantity is greater than the suggested or built-to quantity.
  6. Fixed the issue where the [Void] button did not always display on the 1210 View Transaction screen.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Improved the import process for Solid Business Central™ pricing and quantity records.
  2. Fixed the issue with long company names in QuickBooks Online.
  3. Fixed the issue with importing large amounts of customer or item records from QuickBooks Online.

Release 2.2.65

Release: Dec 05, 2018

New Features Added:

  1. Planograms: clients can now upload files, such as planograms or other files in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format, associated with a particular customer, customer group or all customers. These files are loaded to mobile devices and can subsequently be viewed at customer sites. For more information, please see Article #330 Uploading Planograms and other Customer Files.
  2. Improved the display of customer route groups (CRG) on the Mobile - Edit screen.
  3. Improved the search functionality on the Transactions View screen.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Provided support for the Zebra ET50 barcode scanner
  2. Added support for the Solid Business Central™ Special Discount special pricing method.
  3. Added support for Solid Business Central™ Special SRP prices.
  4. When converting an Order to an Invoice, the payment method will be set to the customer's preferred payment method.
  5. Added a [Sync] button to the 1200 Review/Print screen to quickly upload unsynced transactions.
  6. When printing SRP prices, also print totals for SRP Sales, SRP Returns and SRP Totals.
  7. Added the ability to print multiple copies of a transaction from the 1220 Print Transaction screen.
  8. The Stock On-Hand Report now includes the date and time when it was generated.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Correctly export the payment method and, if applicable, the check number to QuickBooks Online.
  2. Prevent zero dollar transactions from being exported to QuickBooks Online.
  3. Prevent transactions for deleted customers from being exported to QuickBooks Online.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Improved the sync process for Delivery Confirmation so that on open Order does not overwrite an Invoice already on the server.
  2. Correctly display the Route Sheets History parameter setting.
  3. Corrected various settings when using your own email server.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Using the correct on-demand sync method, when the company is set to automatic, the mobile is set to on-demand.
  2. When Solid Sales Pro™ is configured for automatic sync method, and no network connection is available, allow the user to continue.
  3. After performing a cash-out display the cash-out report instead of returning to the main menu.

Release 2.2.48

Release: Sep 04, 2018

New Features Added:

  1. Route Sheets with Build-to Levels: enhanced the existing Route Sheets feature to allow users to define a customer build-to (par) level. For more information, please see Article #322 Route Sheets with Sales History.
  2. Multiple Return Warehouses: this feature allows you to define specific return warehouses by item category/product line/department. For more information, please see Article #329 Multiple Return Warehouses.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improved Solid Survey™ by displaying all questions on one screen, allowing users to review answers before saving the survey.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Solid Fusion™ now exports transactions to Sage 100 batched per date, per mobile, per sales rep.

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Improved the search functionality on the Transaction List screen.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Revamped the sync process for speed improvements.
  2. Fixed the issue where you could not create Credit if the mobile's default transaction type was set to Orders.
  3. Fixed the search functionality on the 1131 Add Items screen when the sort order was set to "Description".
  4. Fixed the issue where averages were not correctly calculated on the 1160 Route Sheets screen.
  5. Made the signer's name field mandatory when the signature capture feature is configured for "Signature and name".

Solid Fusion™

  1. Improved the customer import from Sage 100.
  2. Improved the tax import from Sage 100.
  3. Fixed the issue where a discount on a Credit transaction was not correctly exported to QuickBooks.

Release 2.2.28

Release: May 25, 2018

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Solid Route Accounting™ now integrates with the Sage 100 accounting system.
  2. Solid Fusion™ client upgrade-available notification on the Home screen.
  3. Improved website login speed.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. A scrolling issue on the 1110 Customer Lookup and 1131 Add Items screen on Android 7 devices.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue where Solid Fusion™ would keep on running without ever completing a sync.
  2. For Solid Business Central™ integration, corrected the issue where expired/damaged product return would not be placed into the correct return warehouse.
  3. Improved the synchronization speed for Solid Business Central™ integration.

Release 2.2.6

Release: Oct 26, 2017

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where you could not print from iOS.

Release 2.2.5

Release: Oct 22, 2017

New Features Added:

  1. Transaction View screen - added the Customer Route Group (CRG) field to the grid to filter the transaction list using this field.
  2. Transaction View screen - improved the download of multiple transactions by clearing the transaction selection as soon as the download has occurred, ready for the next batch.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improved the mobile sync times.
  2. Fixed stability issue for Solid Sales Pro™ running on Android 7.

Release 2.1.56

Release: Aug 29, 2017

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where the [Save] button would not become active on the 1113 Add Customer screen to create a new customer.
  2. Fixed the error on the 1210 Transaction View screen when re-signing a transaction without a signature on it.

Release 2.1.54

Release: Jul 24, 2017

New Features Added:

  1. Multiple transaction downloads - you can select multiple transactions from the Transaction List view and download them as one PDF document for emailing or printing.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where under certain circumstances, transactions would not upload to the server.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue for SYSPRO syncs, where when updating an existing item barcode, the update would fail.

Release 2.1.52

Release: Jun 19, 2017

New Features Added:

  1. Auto Emailing of Transactions - this optional feature automatically emails a transaction after being saved if there is a valid customer email address present.
  2. Transaction Status - the Transaction List view now shows each transaction's status, and in the case of a transaction failing to export to the ERP, the failure reason is also shown.
  3. Delivery Confirmation screen - the system will warn the user should they move from this screen without having saved any changes.
  4. Delivery Confirmation screen - transactions deleted in the ERP system are not listed on this screen.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the begins with search functionality of the 1131 Add Items screen when items are grouped.

Release 2.1.51

Release: May 16, 2017

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Fixed the issue where on some mobiles, the quantity would display as 1.0 instead of 1.
  2. Fixed the 1110 Customer Lookup screen where the number of open Orders was not correctly displayed.
  3. Fixed the search functionality of the 1131 Add Items screen when items are grouped.
  4. Fixed the issue when saving a Credit created with the Route Sheet feature would generate an error when saving.

Release 2.1.50

Release: May 09, 2017

New Features Added:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Zebra Printer Driver on Android - you can now print to Zebra mobile printers such as RW420, QL420, and ZQ520 from Android devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
  2. Improved Route Sheet credits/returns processing - when a transaction uses the Route Sheets feature and the transaction has product returns on it; the Credit transaction is displayed for review before it is saved.
  3. Mobile On Order Report - This report allows you to summarize the items on order for a specified report period. For more information, see Article #326 Mobile On-Order Report.
  4. Depletion Report - This report allows you to print a daily or trip summary report of the stock depletion amounts on the mobile handheld unit. For more information, see Article #325 Stock Depletion Report.
  5. Improved 1101 Order Selection screen - the Orders now show the delivery date and are sorted by delivery date (earliest delivery date first).
  6. Improved 1120 Bill Options screen - cannot set a delivery date in the past.
  7. Improved 1132 Selected Items screen - items are displayed in expandable/collapsible item categories. The total items in each category are displayed at the header level, which allows for quick transaction checking.
  8. Improved 1151 Signature Capture screen - if the signature canvas is blank Solid Sales Pro™ will prompt you whether to proceed or not.
  9. Signing or re-signing a saved transaction - the ability to sign or re-sign a transaction that has not yet been cashed out.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Improved the scanning capability on devices with a built-in barcode scanner to prevent duplicate items from being added.
  2. Fixed the printing issue encountered on iOS devices.
  3. Fixed the issue on the 1151 Signature Capture screen where the signer's name would not be saved.
  4. Fixed the issue when a tax item in a tax group was made inactive Solid Sales Pro™ would generate an error.
  5. Fixed the issue on the 1131 Add Items screen when you could not add sales and credits/returns of the same Item.
  6. Fixed the issue on the 1130 Add Items screen where for some mobile browsers, you could not enter quantities sending with a zero via the keypad.
  7. Fixed the issue where the screen would rotate between portrait and landscape mode. The screen is now fixed in the position in which Solid Sales Pro™ was started.
  8. Fixed the issue where no history records were generated for certain transactions and, therefore, no history available in Solid Sales Pro™.
  9. Disabled the ability to create a Credit using the Route Sheets feature.
  10. Prevent changing the transaction type to a Credit if the transaction was created using the Route Sheets feature.
  11. Fixed the issue where negative quantities could be entered on the 1160 Route Sheets screen

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue where under certain circumstances, updating Orders from the ERP system would cause transactions to get blocked.

Release 2.1.45

Release: Mar 13, 2017

Program Issues Corrected:

  1. Emailing Transactions - improved the emailing of transactions by preventing duplicate transactions from being emailed.

Release 2.1.44

Release: Mar 09, 2017

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. Sync issue - where under certain circumstances, the following error can occur when attempting to sync after the upgrade: Please run Solid Fusion before you sync a handheld.

Release 2.1.42

Release: Mar 06, 2017

New Features Added:

  1. Route Sheets with Sales History (optionally licensed) - allows route sales staff to receive summarized historical sales data to enable them to make informed sales decisions based on the customer's historical sales, returns, and on-hand quantities. While servicing a customer, the route sales staff can optionally enter the amount on the shelf (Quantity on Hand) along with Sales Order Quantities and Credit/Return Quantities, all on the one convenient screen. Solid Sales Pro™ will suggest an order quantity for that item based on the quantities entered above and on historical data. Once the Customer Route Sheet has been completed, the proposed order, with Sales and Credits, is generated with a single button click.
    For more information, see Article #322 Route Sheets with Sales History.
  2. Improved emailing of transactions - Solid Route Accounting™ now prevents the sending of duplicate emails, better logging of emails sent.

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. New Year, New Solid Sales Pro™ - wholly revamped with new features and a ton of performance improvements.

Program Issues Corrected:

Solid Sales Pro™

  1. We have made lots of minor tweaks to keep Solid Sales Pro™ running smoothly.

Solid Fusion™

  1. Fixed the issue where Solid Fusion™ would not start if the PDF download directory was not found.
Solid route accounting

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