Are Barcodes a Feature that can be Turned On and Off?

Answer: In all versions of Solid Route Accounting™ business systems, the ability to use barcodes is always "turned on". That said, whether they are used or not is up to the business owner. While viewing an inventory record, if a barcode number is given to an item, then when the barcode number for that item is scanned using a handheld computer, that item will be found and displayed on the screen. If a barcode has been entered incorrectly, if the item doesn't have its barcode entered in Solid Route Accounting™, or if no barcodes have been given to the company's inventory items at all, then scanning any barcode will result in the message, "Matching Barcode does not exist!"

Can I Create My Own Barcode List with My Numbers?

Answer: Companies selling products without existing barcodes can absolutely create their own. Because Solid Route Accounting™ business systems do not verify entered barcodes against any global or regional database, the only restriction is to ensure that every barcode entered into Solid Route Accounting™ is unique, as duplicates are not allowed. Also, we recommend using UPC-A type of barcodes that are 12 numeric digits long, with no spaces or punctuation.

Although no barcode-generating program is built into Solid Route Accounting™, many barcode creation software is available online for purchase and download. Check with your regional laws regarding using unregistered barcodes and barcode registration procedures.

Do the Barcodes Need to Have the Barcode Number Beneath It?

Answer: The actual part of the barcode itself that the barcode scanner reads is the image comprising a series of lines (or squares in the case of 2D barcodes). The numbers beneath the barcode image are strictly for readability by the human eye and do not influence how the barcode is scanned. That said, though, we recommend that all barcodes on products also include the barcode's number to ensure that it can be read, even if it cannot be scanned due to damage or obstruction of the barcode image.

Do Barcodes Need to be a Certain Length or Format?

Answer: Although there are other barcode formats that Solid Route Accounting™ business systems are compatible with, the only one recommended and approved currently is the UPC-A 12-digit barcode format. All other barcode formats can be tested at the company's risk of inaccurate inventory tracking and pricing. For any inquiries regarding unapproved barcode formats, including requests that specific barcode formats be evaluated with Solid Route Accounting™, please contact a Solid Product Specialist, who will gladly assist you further. Evaluation of barcode formats by Solid may require a fee for evaluation.

How to Add Barcodes to Items?

Answer: Although the ability to use barcodes to quickly and efficiently add items to transactions is present in all versions of Solid Route Accounting™ business systems, how barcodes are assigned to the inventory items will vary depending on the business system used. Follow the instructions below that pertain to the company's Solid Route Accounting™ business system on assigning barcodes to inventory items.

Enterprise Edition Users:

  1. In Solid Business Central™, navigate to [Datafile / Inventory / View] and display the inventory item to assign a barcode.
  2. Use [F2 - Edit] to make changes to this record, and in the 'B Code' field, enter all digits of the barcode, excluding punctuation (UPC-A type barcodes have 12 digits). When finished, save the barcode with [CTRL+END].
  3. Sync the handheld computers for the change to take effect into Solid Sales Pro™.

QuickBooks Users:

Please review Article #250 Preparing your QuickBooks Company File for Solid Route Accounting.

Sage 100 Users:

Please review Article #328 Preparing Sage 100 for Solid Route Accounting.

Other Users:

Please review the training materials provided with the Solid Route Accounting™ business system for further information on this feature.

Matching Barcode Does Not Exist!

Description: When adding inventory to an invoice through barcode scanning, if the barcode number scanned does not match that of any barcode in Solid Sales Pro™'s inventory list, the message "Matching Barcode Does Not Exist" will be displayed on the screen.

Resolution: The scanned barcode number should show in the Barcode field on the Solid Sales Pro™ screen. Compare this number to the barcode number on the product itself to verify that it's correct. If the number is incorrect, it could be that the barcode on the product is damaged, obscured or scanned in incorrectly.

If the barcode number matches, use the [Add Items] button on the 1100 Create Transaction screen, and find this item in the 1131 Add Items inventory list. Select that item, and use the [>] details button to verify that the barcode number on the product matches the barcode number in the inventory record's details. If the numbers are different or there is no barcode number attached to this inventory item, please notify your administration staff to enter the correct barcode number into the ERP system.

QuickbooksSage 100Solid business centralSolid sales pro

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