Description: When starting Solid Business Central™, an error appears, "Setup Invalid: Invalid result passed to SET_(name)", where 'SET_(name)' may be 'SET_DBF', 'SET_FRST', or others. These 'SET' functions are part of Solid Business Central™'s start-up procedures and are needed to open all the company's information for use. This error is often caused by data corruption, result ing from electrical irregularities or improper shutdowns.

Resolution: This problem will require the assistance of a Solid Customer Service Representative to resolve. Please contact via email a Solid Customer Service Representative who will be happy to assist you. For faster resolution, have the most recent daily or full system backup available, as the solution may be to restore from a recent backup.

Prevention: Always ensure the office has surge protection and UPS battery backup devices installed on each workstation using Solid Business Central™ to prevent electrical irregularities, and periodically ensure they are in proper working order. Also, ensure all staff are trained on how to properly [Escape] from Solid Business Central. Always be sure to perform a [System / Reindex / All] following any improper shut down of any workstation.

Solid business central

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