Answer: The term 'Banner' refers to the name that a store chain does business as, and adding customers to their appropriate banner is important for EDI reporting to get compiled correctly. The banners available to each company is controlled by license and are made available as part of the licensed feature Solid EDI™. To add a new EDI Record or edit EDI banners, in Solid Business Central™, navigate to [Datafile / Customer / EDI Banners].

  1. To Add a New Banner, use the [Insert] key to add a new record. In the 'Custno' field, enter in the customer number of the new record, or type part of their name and use [Enter] to select them from a list of all customer records. Once the customer is entered, their name should show to the right of the 'Custno' field. Leave the 'EDI Code' as 'SI', and in the 'Banner' field, type in part of the banner's name (store chain name), and then use the [Enter] key to display a list of all available banners.
  2. Select the correct banner from this list by highlighting it and using the [Enter] key. If available, in the 'External Custno' field, enter in this customer's external customer number as well. This is also known as a 'Store Number' or 'Site Number', which identifies this store within their entire chain of stores.
  3. When all the needed information has been entered, use [CTRL+END] to save this new EDI Banner record.
  4. To Edit an Existing Banner, in [Datafile / Customer / EDI Banners] use [F10 - Browse] to view a list of all existing customer records added as banners, and select the desired customer from this list to view that customer's banner record. Then use [F2 - Edit] to make any necessary changes to the banner record, and use [CTRL+END] to save those changes.
Solid business central

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