Answer: All Solid Route Accounting™ business systems are designed to maintain information integrity. The transaction number sequence is an important aspect of that integrity as it creates a reliable audit trail. Although transaction numbers can not be manually entered, if an additional number is required to print on an invoice, the 'Customer PO' (Purchase Order) field in Solid Sales Pro™ can be used to print this extra information. The 'Customer PO' field can be found from the '1100 Create Transaction' screen by selecting [Set Bill Options]. This field will print as part of the invoice header, but will not replace the transaction number.
Enterprise Edition Users:
Inside the 'Sales' screen in Solid Business Central™ there is also a 'P/O' field in the header where a purchase order number can be entered. Just like as in Solid Sales Pro™ though, this number will print in the invoice's header, but will not replace the actual invoice number.