Answer: Once Customer Orders have been created, various things can be done with them before the product is delivered to the customer's site. Saved Customer Orders can be Modified, Finalized or Cancelled, depending on what the situation calls for. Please read the information below for the Solid Route Accounting™ business system being used for further details.

For information on creating new Customer Orders, please read Solid Know How™ Article #233 How to Create Customer Orders.

Solid Sales Pro™: How to Modify, Finalize, or Cancel Orders

Once a Customer Order has been saved in Solid Sales Pro™, it can then be re-opened to be modified or finalized as an Invoice:

  1. From the '1110 Customer Lookup' screen, select the same customer that the Customer Order was initially created for.
  2. After selecting the customer, the '1101 Order Selection' screen will appear, listing all open Customer Orders for this customer.
  3. Tap to select the desired Customer Order.
  4. Solid Sales Pro™ will return to the '1100 Create Transaction' screen to load the Customer Order. The [Add] button can then be used to adjust the items on order, and the [Change] button can be used to finalize the Customer Order or modify the 'Payment' type being used. When finished, use the [Save] button.

    Note: When working on a Customer Order's list of items in the '1131 Add Items' screen, items loaded from the original Customer Order cannot be deleted! If an item is unwanted, change its quantity to 0 (zero).

Solid Business Central™: How to Modify, Finalize, or Cancel Orders

  1. Navigate in Solid Business Central™ to the 'Sales' screen, and select the desired Customer Record. If there are any Customer Orders created for them, a menu option of [F2 - Open Bills] will be made available beneath the customer's 'Credit Limit' field in the top left of the screen.
  2. Use [F2 - Open Bills] to display a list of all Customer Orders created for this customer. Highlight the desired Customer Order and select it with the [Enter] key. The order will then be loaded into the 'Sales' screen.
  3. Once the order has been loaded, the 'Type' field needs to be considered:
    1. To change this order to a Customer Invoice, change the 'Type' to 'B - Bill (New)'.
    2. To modify this order and save it once again as a Customer Order, leave the 'Type' as 'O - Order Entry'.
    3. To cancel this order, change the 'Type' to 'C - Cancelled'.
  4. Any other information can also be modified as needed for this transaction.
    If the items need to be modified before saving the transaction, use [CTRL+Page Down] as indicated by the 'Customer Transaction Menu' along the bottom to move to the Items area. If an item is unwanted on this order, set its quantity to 0 (zero).
  5. When finished, use [CTRL+END] to save the changes.

For information assigning Customer Orders to a handheld computer for delivery, please read Solid Know How™ Article #313 Delivery Confirmation.

    Solid business centralSolid sales pro

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