Inventory turnover, velocity, re-stocking report. Report top moving items together with quantities to order to handle re-stocking lead time based on sales history. Look at all or one cost centre. This report is produced from Solid Route Accounting™ - Enterprise Edition from actual sales history plus variable parameters you apply. The Auto Pick Report was created for management to analyze their current inventory situation and make decisions based on sales history, re-stocking levels and minimum quantity levels. The Auto Pick Report provides a summary by Cost Center, Department, and Inventory Item. It also allows analysis by Quantities Sold, Dollars Sold, or Gross Margin. Overall, the Auto Pick Report can help managers identify where inventory levels are low/high so that decisions can be made to optimize inventory levels and increase inventory turnover.

To create an Auto Pick Report:

  1. In Solid Business Central™ navigate to [Datafile / Inventory / Report / Auto Pick]. After choosing which Cost Center to report on, use [CTRL+END] to continue to the 'Inventory Pick List Setup' screen.
  2. Next, select whether this report will include items belonging to just [One] department or [All] departments. Following this selection, an 'Item Detail' option will become available. By leaving this as 'Y-Yes', this will report on each inventory item belonging to the selected 'Department'. If set to 'N-No', then only a summary will print for each department.
  3. Following this, the 'Items to Pick for' section will display:
    1. [Top 'X']: Report on the top-selling items based on the highest quantity, dollar amount, or Gross Margin sold. Selecting this option will prompt 'Enter '#' of items' to set how many top items to report on. Once that number is entered, use [CTRL+END] to choose if it'll be printed by top sales amount for [Quantity], [Sales($)], or [Gross Margin].
    2. [One Item]: This will allow a single Inventory Item to be entered to be reported on.
    3. [All Items]: This will report on all items in all the departments selected above.
  4. Three Stock Details options will then display one by one.
    The first is 'Enter '#' of days of sales history'. This specifies the number of days in the past to use for calculating sales totals as well as sales averages. Use [CTRL+END] once that's been entered to move to the following field.
  5. Next, the field 'Enter the re-stocking period in days' is where can be specified how many days of inventory should be in the cost center selected, based on the average daily amount of inventory sold. If a mobile warehouse is loaded once a week, for example, this number would be seven. Once set, use [CTRL+END] once again to continue.
  6. Lastly, 'Enter the Min Qty on Hand in days' asks how many days' worth of inventory should be on hand at all times based on the average sold per day. Once entered, use [CTRL+END] to proceed to the last section.
  7. 'Report Order' allows the user to select how the report will be alphanumerically organized when printed. After selecting one of these options, the report will then print.
Auto Pick Report Sample
Auto Pick Report
Solid business central

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