The most concise method of administration-controlled special pricing available for Solid Route Accounting™ for QuickBooks is to use the Price Levels available within QuickBooks. For questions regarding this feature, including pricing, please contact a Solid Product Specialist who will gladly assist you.

What is a Price Level?

Price Levels let you set custom pricing for different customers in QuickBooks®. Once you create a Price Level and associate it with one or more customers, Solid Sales Pro™ automatically pulls up the correct custom price for a customer each time you make a transaction for those customers.

QuickBooks® provides two different types of Price Levels:

  1. Fixed Percentage Price Level
  2. Per Item Price Level

Fixed Percentage Price Levels

Fixed percentage Price Levels let you increase or decrease prices of all items for a particular customer by a fixed percentage.

For example, you might use a fixed percentage price level for a customer who gets a 10% discount on all your products and services. You can choose to round sales prices up to the next whole dollar by setting this Company preference when you use fixed percentage price levels.

Per Item Price Levels

Per item Price Levels let you set custom prices for individual items associated with different customers.

For example, you might use a per-item price level for your preferred customers who are charged $8 for product A (regularly priced at $10), $5 for product B (regularly priced at $5.50), and your standard price for product C. In another example, you might have a specific customer for whom you agreed to charge $50 per hour for research time (regularly priced at $70) and $30 per hour for administrative time (regularly priced at $35 per hour).

Note: Per Item Price Levels are only available if you have QuickBooks® Premier or Enterprise editions.


The one limitation of QuickBooks® is that you can only assign one price level to a customer.

Configuring Price Levels

To Create a Price Level:

  1. To set up Price Levels, begin by opening the QuickBooks company file.
  2. Select 'Lists' from the menu options at the top, followed by 'Price Level List'.
  3. Use the [Price Level] button at the bottom of this list window, and select 'New'.
  4. Give this list a name in the 'Price Level Name' field, and then ensure the 'Price Level Type' is set to 'Per Item'. NOTE: This will not work if the type is set to 'Fixed %'.
  5. From the list of items shown below, click to put a checkmark beside the items that'll be added to this list in the checkmark column. All items can be added simultaneously using the 'Mark All' checkbox beneath the item list.
  6. The prices of the selected items can be automatically adjusted based on a straight percentage by changing the values in the 'Adjust price of marked items' line, and once set, use the [Adjust] button. After the [Adjust] button has been pressed, prices can be manually set by entering them in the 'Custom Price' column associated with those items.
  7. When all is set for this Price Level, use the [OK] button to save this list and return to the list of Price Levels. Add any other Price Lists in the same way.

To Assign a Customer to a Price Level:

  1. In the QuickBooks company file, select and view the details of a customer record to assign to a Price List.
  2. While viewing the customer record, select the 'Additional Info' tab and look for the 'Price Level' field.
  3. Use the drop-down 'Price Level' list and select the appropriate Price Level for this customer to be assigned to. Use the [OK] button when ready to apply this customer to this Price Level, and repeat these steps for all other customers that need to be added to price levels.
  4. Once customers have been assigned to Price Levels, open Solid Fusion™ and use the [Sync Now] button to apply these changes the next time the handheld computers sync. The special pricing should be readily visible when adding items to an invoice for those customers.

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