Solid Business Central™ Configuration

Answer: Solid Route Accounting™ version 9 and newer has a great new feature that allows Windows printers already installed onto the office computers to be used through Solid Business Central™.

  1. Once the printer has been installed onto the computer, open up Solid Business Central™ and navigate to [System / Configure / Workstation]. If working on the Server Computer, the option will then be given to select any workstation to make changes to. If the printer is being set up for this server computer, leave Branch as 999 and Station as 01 and use [CTRL+END] to continue to the 'Workstation Configuration' screen.
  2. Once inside, all five printer types will be shown. The most common types are: '1. Invoice', which is used by default when printing or reprinting transactions, and '2. 8.5 x 11' for printing out all reports. Other printer types include:
    • 3. Label: Printing customer address labels for mailing customer statements to.
    • 4. Slip: For printing to a slip printer.
    • 5. Cheque: For printing cheques to suppliers.
  3. To configure any of these printer types, change the 'Win' field for it to Y and then use the [Enter] key when in the 'Address' field to display a list of all printers available to this computer. Highlight the desired printer, use the [Enter] key to select it, and leave the 'Def' field as 5. The selected printer's name should now show in the 'Address' field.
    NOTE: When replacing an existing printer, clear the address field and then press [Enter] to select your new printer.
    NOTE: If this list is blank, please contact a Solid Customer Service Representative who will be happy assist you further.
  4. The 'Ch?' field, when set to Y for a printer type, will present a list of all five printers whenever a print job of that type is sent for printing. The user can then either use the default printer type for that print job, which is selected by default, or select any of the other four printer types to send the print job to.
  5. When all the printer types are set as needed, use [CTRL+END] to save the changes and print out some test data to ensure the printer settings are working correctly.

How to Configure a Printer for the GL

Note: In order to print directly to a printer from the GL, you must use printers that accept instructions and files from the command prompt. Here is how to first test your printer and then set it up. Testing the Printer - This section works best if you are working from the computer with the printer physically attached to it. The printer must already be configured to Windows and working. We suggest you have a Windows technician adapt these instructions for more advanced printers that use an IP address.

  1. Obtain the Printer Name - In Windows, select "Start" "Printers and Properties" and right-click on the printer. From the drop-down, select "Printer Properties". Ensure the printer is shared and give it a name. We recommend a reasonably short name. The name must not contain spaces or special characters. For example, "InvoicePrinter" is a suitable name. Record this name for use in Step 3.
  2. Obtain the Workstation Name - In Windows, select "Start / System Security / System". Look down the screen for "Computer name:" and record this name for use in Step 3. Again, spaces and special characters are difficult to deal with, so we suggest you give the workstation a simple name such as "CounterStation".
  3. Testing the Printer - Now open a Command window (i.e., Start - Run - CMD). From the command prompt and using any text file (which can be created in Windows Notepad), copy the file to the printer with the command:
    copy <file> \\<workstation>\<printer>

    For example, if you are using the above names, your command would be:

    copy test.txt \\CounterStation\InvoicePrinter

If successful, the test file will be printed on the printer. If not successful (and you have double-checked your work), then you will not be able to print to this printer in this manner. There is another possible solution. See "Printing to a non-command line compatible printer, below".

Setting up the Printer - If printing was successful above, then:

  1. Open Solid Business Central™ and then move to the GL.
  2. From the "General Ledger System Menu", select "Configuration of General Ledger procedures", then "Printer device configuration".
  3. Now, in the device (i.e. printer) of your choice, put in the \\<workstation>\<printer> you developed above. Save this new information with [Ctrl+End], and now you can print to that device (i.e. printer).

Printing to a Non-command Line Compatible Printer

This approach involves printing to a text file and then opening that file with Windows Notepad and printing from there. There are 2 ways to save to a text file:

  1. During printing, you are asked if you want to export the information. If you say "Yes", you can then move through creating and saving the file in text format.
  2. Setup a Device - A particular device can be set up to always print to a text file. Simply put the file name into the "Device Configuration" field on the screen (as above the "Setting up the Printer" instructions. That file will always have that name, it will overwrite any file that is there each time you print, and the file will be located in the SI folder.
Solid business central

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