Answer: Employee records are a great way of controlling who has access to what within the Solid Route Accounting™ business system. Creating a custom employee record for each user of the business system will give the peace of mind of knowing that restricted areas of the program are safe and allow the administrators to track what employees are creating which transactions. Employee record creation and management vary for each Solid Route Accounting™ business system, as outlined by the instructions below.

Enterprise Edition Users:

Before being able to manage employee records, passwords must first be activated within Solid Business Central™:

  1. Navigate to [System / Configure / Company / Settings] and look for the 'Activate Passwords' field in the top right corner.
  2. Set this field to Y and save the change with [CTRL+END] to activate passwords within the system. Once saved, [Escape] out of Solid Business Central™ and then restart the program.
  3. When it restarts, the user will now be asked to enter a password before accessing Solid Business Central™. The default user IDs and passwords are as follows:
    1. Supervisor: User ID: s, Password: sup
    2. Employee: User ID: b, Password: b

Employee records should be created for each employee within the company that uses any Solid Route Accounting™ software component. This allows their level of access to be controlled and tracked. For companies that operate on commission, having individual records makes it easy to set up automatic commission tracking and reporting. To create or edit employee records within Solid Business Central™:

  1. Navigate to [Datafile / Employee / View], where all employee records can be viewed, including the default Guest, Billing, and Supervisor records. To add a new employee record, use the [Insert] key.
  2. In the 'Group' field, enter the employee group for this employee to belong to. The default group numbers are 00 for guests, 01 for regular employees, and 99 for supervisors. See the next section for information on how to edit and add new employee groups.
  3. Next, enter in their 'Last Name', 'First Name', and a 'User ID' tag that will be used throughout the Solid Route Accounting™ business system to identify them by. Lastly, enter their address information, if available, and use [CTRL+END] to save this new record.
  4. Once the record has been saved, their password can be set or reset by using the [F4 - Password] key and simply entering the desired password.

Employee groups are a convenient way of categorizing employee records to control what actions they can perform and what areas of the Enterprise Edition business system they have access to. To create and manage employee groups in Solid Business Central™:

  1. Navigate to [Datafile / Employee / Groups], where the three default groups of 00, 01, and 99 should be already entered. As with other areas of Solid Business Central™, [Page Up] and [Page Down] can be used to view these records consecutively, and any other options are visible in the 'Menu Choices' along the bottom.
  2. To add a new record, use the [Insert] key and set a new number in the 'Group' field, followed by giving this group a Name. The 'Edit Cost' field controls if employees belonging to this group will have 'N - No Access' to the inventory's cost price, 'V - View Only' the cost price, or 'E - Edit', which gives full access to cost prices. When all is set, use [CTRL+END] to save this new record, and then use the [ESCAPE] key to return to viewing the employee group records, where this new record should now be displayed.
  3. While viewing an employee group record, the access level that an employee belongs to this group can have is controlled by using [F3 - Access]. From inside this 'Group Access Editor', the familiar 'Datafile, Sales, Buying, Accounting, System' menu will be shown, just like navigating through Solid Business Central™, and can be navigated in the same way.
  4. Notice that each menu option has a minus '-' or plus '+' sign beside it. A plus sign indicates that employees of this group can have access to that menu option within Solid Business Central™, whereas a minus sign indicates that it's a restricted area. Use the [Space Bar] to toggle access for any highlighted menu item. When all is set, use [CTRL+END] to save the changes.
Solid business central

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