Description: In Solid Business Central™, when a user enters the Sales screen, the field, 'Give Amount Received' automatically displays in the bottom area. Other symptoms include the Type field or Pay field set to F automatically, being unable to create an invoice, or having various fields set to F in [System / Configure / Company / Settings].

Resolution: The company or workstation configuration file for Solid Business Central™ has become corrupt and needs to be restored from a previous backup. This is often caused by an improper shutdown of Solid Business Central™ due to power failure, system freeze up, improper training on how to [Escape] out of Solid Business Central™, or any other reason that has caused the program or the computer to be shut down improperly. To resolve this, please contact a Solid Innovation Customer Service Representative who will be happy to assist you with restoring this configuration file.

Prevention: Ensure that all staff that use Solid Business Central™ have proper training on how to [Escape] out of the program. Also, ensure that surge protection and UPS battery backups are in place on all workstations and regularly checked to ensure they are in proper working order. If the software or system is shut down improperly, then when Solid Business Central™ is restarted, do a [System / Reindex / All] to ensure the system's data integrity before performing any other action or task.

Solid business central

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