Note: If indexes are damaged, a customer record may be missing. Therefore, a [System / Reindex / All] in Solid Business Central™ may repair this problem.


Step 1: Begin in the ERP system. Check to see if the customer record is present.

  • For Solid Business Central™, select [Datafile / Customer / View / F10-Browse] and look for the customer. If it is not present, turn Deleted to Showing using the [F7-Del] key in the View screen and look further.
    • If it is missing in both cases, then you will need to add the customer record.
    • If it shows up when Deleted is turned to Showing, you will need to recall the record. Press the delete key in the View screen to recall the record.
  • For other ERP systems, use the steps appropriate to that ERP system.

Step 2: Assuming you now have the customer record identified in the ERP system, check to see what route, if any, the customer is assigned to.

  • In all ERP systems, the customer record should be assigned to a customer route group (CRG).
  • In Solid Business Central™, the RT field in [Datafile / Customer / View] is the CRG for this customer.
  • NOTE - if the CRG is blank, the system will not load this customer record.

Step 3: Identify which mobile computer the customer record is to appear on.

  • Find the mobile record:
    • In, navigate to [Mobiles] and select the mobile record in question. Look in the field "Route Groups".
  • Customer Routes / Groups - Valid entries here are "ALL" or a selected subset:
    • If no groups are selected, all customer records will load.
    • If individual route groups are selected, the system will load customers belonging to the chosen route groups.

Step 4: Now re-sync the mobile computer in question, and the mobile computer will load the customer.

Solid business centralSolid sales pro

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