Description: When attempting to delete an inventory item, even though the inventory record shows there being zero quantity in 'OH 999' and 'OH All', Solid Business Central™ is preventing the deletion of this item, and it displays the warning of, "Found - O/S Customer Orders for this item, you may not delete," or "Found - O/S Purchase Orders for this item, you may not delete!"

Resolution: This warning will display if this item is part of an existing Supplier Purchase Order or a Customer Order, and therefore cannot be deleted until these orders have been resolved, which means either finalized or cancelled. Thankfully, this is a pretty simple procedure by following the steps below:

  1. The first step is to determine which orders this item belongs to, which thankfully Solid Business Central™ makes easy. While looking at the Inventory Record that needs to be deleted at [Datafile / Inventory / View], there's an option in the 'Menu Choices' of [F4 - Orders]. By using this key, a list of all Supplier Purchase Orders and Customer Open Orders this item belongs to will display. Copy down the 'Date' and 'Acct' (Account) of each order so that these orders can be easily found in the 'Sales' and 'Buying' areas of Solid Business Central™.
  2. If this item belongs to any Customer Orders:
    1. Navigate to [Sales], and if a second menu level shows, select [Sales] once again to enter the 'Sales' screen, and enter the customer's number in the 'Cst' field, as copied down from Step 1 above.
    2. Once the customer has been selected, an option of [F2 - Open Bills] will show between the 'Lmt' and 'Item Code' fields. Use this [F2] key to display a list of all Open Orders for this customer record. Using the date as copied down from Step 1 above, highlight and select with the [Enter] key the Open Order this item belongs to.
    3. To cancel this order altogether, change the 'Type' field to 'C - Cancelled' and re-save the order with [CTRL+END].
    4. To finalize this order as an Invoice, change the 'Type' field to 'B - Bill', verify that all else is correct, and save it as an Invoice with [CTRL+END].
    5. Repeat these steps for all other Customer Open Orders that need resolution for this item.
  3. If this item belongs to any Supplier Purchase Orders:
    1. Navigate to [Buying], and if a second menu level shows, select [Buying] once again to enter the 'Buying' screen, and enter the supplier's ID in the 'Sup #' field, as copied down from Step 1 above.
    2. Once the supplier has been selected, an option of [F2 - Open PO's] will show between the 'Lmt' and 'Item Code' fields. Use this [F2] key to display a list of all Purchase Orders for this supplier record. Using the date as copied down from Step 1 above, highlight and select with the [Enter] key the Purchase Order this item belongs to.
    3. To cancel this order altogether, change the 'Typ' field to 'C - Cancel' and re-save the order with [CTRL+END].
    4. To finalize this order as a Finalized Receipt, change the 'Typ' field to 'R - Receipt', verify that all else is correct, and save it as a Finalized Receipt with [CTRL+END].
    5. Repeat these steps for all other Supplier Purchase Orders that need resolution for this item.

Once all the orders have been resolved, this item should now be able to be deleted.

Solid business central

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