Answer: When a payment is received and posted onto a customer's account, two accounts are affected by that payment when it integrates into the Solid General Ledger (GL). The total from the Received On Account (ROA) transaction is posted into the GL to the 'Cash Debit/Credit Account' as a debit, as well as to the 'Account' field from Customer Route Groups the customers belong to as a credit. If there are any other accounts that these totals should be adjusted to as well, such as additional checking, credit card, or cash accounts, it can be done by using a Manual Journal Entries:

  1. Manual Journal Entries can be made in the GL by navigating to 'Run the General Ledger accounting procedures', followed by 'General Ledger journal entries', and then select 'Add an entry to the journal'.
  2. If needed, adjust the date, optionally add a comment, and then use [CTRL+END] to bring up the Manual Journal Entry screen.
  3. Use the [Insert] key to choose if the transaction is a 'Debit transaction entry' or a 'Credit transaction entry', and select the desired option with the [Enter] key.
  4. Then enter the 'Account #' to transfer the amount to, set the 'Amount' in dollar value, and optionally enter a 'Reference/Receipt' number if needed. Use [CTRL+END] when ready to save this journal entry.
  5. Add all the needed transaction entries to make up the full Journal Entry, ensuring that the journal entry credits and debits balance, then use [CTRL+END] and select "Post Transaction" to post the journal entry to the GL.

Remember: If amounts are being transferred from one account to another, they must first be taken from the original account with one journal entry and put into the other account with another journal entry. This means that for a transfer such as this, there should always be two transactions: a credit and a debit.

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